
Dr. Cédric Raibaudo

I joined the University of Orléans and the PRISME laboratory in September 2021 as Maître de conférences (equivalent to tenured assistant professor). I am member of the Écoulements et Systèmes Aérodynamiques research group (ESA) of the Fluides, Energie, Combustion, Moteur research department (FECP). I have 13 years of experience in experimental fluid mechanics, flow control for separation and bluff bodies wakes, closed-loop control and optimisation using machine learning.

My doctoral work on feedback control for separated turbulent boundary layers (defence: June, 3rd 2015) was supported by the ANR SePaCoDe (ANR-11-BS09-0018), whose main coordinator was the aerodynamics team of the PRISME laboratory.

My first postdoctoral fellowship was at the University of Calgary, Canada, on the development of machine learning algorithms for feedback flow control of a bluff body (2016-2018).

My second postdoctoral fellowship was at the ONERA of Toulouse, working on the European project Smart Morphing and Sensing (H2020-MG-2016-2017, n°723402) supervised by the IMFT laboratory on the design of closed-loop control for bio-inspired morphing wings for aeronautical applications (2018-2020).

My last postdoctoral fellowship was at the LHEEA laboratory at Centrale Nantes, where I carried out the reconstruction of the wakes of floating wind turbines using wind tunnel experiments and FAST simulations (2020-2021).

My research skills cover large field experimental measurements for fluid mechanics (SPIV, HWA, others), reduced order modelling (POD, DMD) and stochastic methods (LSE) for model reduction and flow analysis, feedback control and machine learning optimisation for flow modelling and control.